Posts with the tag english:

IMUs and Kalman Filters

How to use an MPU6050 with an STM32 and use an Kalman Filter to measure angles

Why your contactless credit card can't be cloned

How the EMV specification prevents contactless cloning and tracking

Introduction to Atari 2600 Emulation

This article provides an introduction to Atari 2600 emulation, shedding light on the principles of emulation and how to create an emulator. It discusses the challenges of understanding the hardware, the legal aspects, and offers a historical overview of the Atari 2600. While it doesn’t delve into building a full emulator, it points out key components like cartridges and opcodes. The article highlights the Atari 2600 as a suitable candidate for emulation due to its simpler technology and available documentation.

Introduction to ROS2 Humble and Gazebo Fortress

A small tutorial to apprehend more easily robot simulation with ROS2 and Gazebo

How the Nintendo Switch booting process was hacked

Introduction to the Nintendo Switch booting process and how it was hacked using a buffer overflow in the recovery mode.

The miniaturisation of electronics applied to sensors

The miniaturisation of electronics applied to sensors

Create your first application on the Flipper Zero

Introduction to the development of applications on the Flipper Zero.

Initiation to creating a Robot Arm with Raspberry Pi and Dynamixel motors

This tutorial provide guidance on building and programming an articulated robotic arm using a Raspberry Pi single board computer and Dynamixel smart servo motors. It covers the hardware components, software installation, and Python code needed to precisely control the arm’s joint positions.

Anatomy of an Arduino UNO

What constitutes an Arduino UNO? In this article, we will explore the electronic components of this famous board. Then, an overview about I2C and Arduino memory will be given.

Introduction to testing ESP32 code with Pytest

How to test your ESP32 code with Pytest