Total posts: 53

An introduction to MEMS

Nix as a Project Manager

How are processors made and why their production becomes more complex over the years

Evolution of GPU Architectures and Hardware Graphics Pipeline through Nintendo Consoles - Part 2

Navigating the Complexity of Emulating Diverse Microcontroller Architectures Pre Emulation, Part II

Navigating the Complexity of Emulating Diverse Microcontroller Architectures - Pre-Emulation, Part I

How to implement our own file system

The Evolution of Gaming on Linux

How perf(1) works, or asking my CPU about their feelings.

Device communication in embedded systems

EUCLEAK : Using side-channel attack to extract secret key from YubiKey 5 Series

The USB keyboard protocol

Implementation of collision avoidance algorithms in real time autonomous vehicles

Chip binning : why your CPU is most likely broken (partially)?

Evolution of GPU Architectures and Hardware Graphics Pipeline through Nintendo Consoles - Part 1

Optimizing regular expressions

Learning a program's behaviour without looking at its code using active learning

Starlink et l'internet par satellite

LadderLeak, comment retrouver une clef privée ECC sur analyse de consommation électrique

Developing a Bluetooth application on Linux

Why Wayland: A Brief History of Display Protocols

Holographic Displays: Your Windshield as a Virtual Assistant

Random number generation in embedded systems

How to write you first kernel

IMUs and Kalman Filters

Why your contactless credit card can't be cloned

Introduction to Atari 2600 Emulation

Introduction to ROS2 Humble and Gazebo Fortress

Python scripting in GDB: a CTF example

Fonctionnement d'un VCO (Voltage Control Oscilator)

How the Nintendo Switch booting process was hacked

The miniaturisation of electronics applied to sensors

ReRAM, ou le futur de la mémoire depuis 1970

Create your first application on the Flipper Zero

Initiation to creating a Robot Arm with Raspberry Pi and Dynamixel motors

Quels sont les avantages d'une architecture RISC-V comparée à une architecture ARM

Anatomy of an Arduino UNO

Introduction to testing ESP32 code with Pytest

Mode d'endormissement de l'ESP32

Overview of the Language Server Protocol

Comment détecter une couleur avec Arduino ?

Introduction to embedded Rust

Pertinence du développement système avec Hare

ART of UARTS part 1

La conception électronique démystifiée

About DNA Data Storage

Why you need clean architecture

Many processes: A VHDL state machine pattern

Le virus Stuxnet: origine et impact

Address Sanitizer Internals