Utilisation de capteurs de couleur et d’une IA pour détecter efficacement une couleur avec une carte Arduino.
How can Rust be leveraged to make better connected toasters
Comparatif entre le C et le Hare
Electrical devices are a social species. They shout, declare, tell, utter, verbalize, yakety-yak and yak all day - all night - their blabber to one another as part of a complex herd full of protocols and social hierarchy and all that, with not much of single sound. Now, imagine a world where all those devices where to fell silent overnight ; how would you recreate communication between them ?
Une introduction rapide à la conception électronique, avec KiCad comme exemple
DNA data storage is an appealing alternative to mainstream information storage thanks to its density and durability. In this article, we will review the process of writing, storing and reading back DNA-coded data.
Introduction of clean architecture : a versatile design approach to build software.
Introducing multi-process FSM in VHDL
Going in depth into the Address Sanitizer internals.