Optimizing regular expressions

This article will explain in detail how to optimize regular expressions. It will explore various techniques to reduce backtracking and improve speed, enabling the writing of more efficient and high-performance regex.

Learning a program's behaviour without looking at its code using active learning

This article explains a machine learning method that makes it possible to reproduce in finite time the complete behaviour of any program that behaves like a black box, without ever having access to its code.

Starlink et l'internet par satellite

Une brève introduction au monde de l’internet par satellite avec une présentation des spécificités de la société Starlink

LadderLeak, comment retrouver une clef privée ECC sur analyse de consommation électrique

Short article to cover the LadderLeak problem for ECC

Developing a Bluetooth application on Linux

Introduction to BlueZ and its API

Why Wayland: A Brief History of Display Protocols

A short introduction to the world of display protocols, detailing parts of the design of the X Window System, its shortcomings and the rise of the Wayland protocol.

Holographic Displays: Your Windshield as a Virtual Assistant

A quick view on how holographic displays aim to aid driving

Random number generation in embedded systems

This article explores the world of random number generation in embedded systems, covering both pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) and hardware-based random number generators (HRNGs). It explains their principles, provides examples of code, discusses their advantages and limitations, and highlights their applications in embedded systems.

How to write you first kernel

In this article, we’ll write a simple 32bits ‘Hello, World!’ kernel for x86

IMUs and Kalman Filters

How to use an MPU6050 with an STM32 and use an Kalman Filter to measure angles